Thursday, August 13, 2015

Take time to wonder

With so much activity taking place online and in the virtual world, do you take time to wonder? Do you ever just sit or take a walk in silence and wonder? Notice the world around you, both inside and out. I wonder why brownies smell SO good? I wonder why there is no rain for months...but as soon as I wash the car, it rains. My corn did not grow very tall this year, but my sunflowers are reaching for the sky. I wonder why. I wonder how old that tree is. I wonder how a dog can sleep all day and then again all night.

In school we spend so much time trying to figure out difficult people questions. Maybe we need to spend more time just wondering. I know there are people who make things happen, watch what happens, and wonder what happened. Maybe being in the last category isn't all bad. Not every wonderment needs an answer, just time to ponder and appreciate the natural world.

I am going to try and include more time in my science class this year to wonder. Join me!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Getting Geared Up For NGSS in 2015!

A new year looms exciting year for sure! Last year was just a taste of looking at new science standards and approaches to science teaching. Now it is time to really work at it.

What does this mean? New methods of instruction. New methods of engaging students. New methods of assessment. In fact, a new look to my classroom. After years and years of rows, I will try small groups.

So much depends on interaction and group learning. Fewer worksheets. More discussion. Fewer quizzes. More thinking. Each class is a team of learners and I am the coach. If 10,000 hours are needed to become proficient at a new skill, then let's begin!

Here we go...